Hi, please tell me where What Happened in Hamelin by Gloria Skurzynski read flibusta story writer epub

Hi, please tell me where What Happened in Hamelin by Gloria Skurzynski read flibusta story writer epub

Hi, please tell me where What Happened in Hamelin by Gloria Skurzynski read flibusta story writer epub

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Book description
Wow. Before I read this, I really had no idea that the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin was based on a historical event. It makes an already somewhat frightening childrens story into a really frightening history. Skurzynski attempts to recreate the events of the legend, using research and context to build her story. She writes from the perspective of a young boy, Geist, who is the bakers apprentice/indentured servant/slave in the town of Hamelin. When a stranger (Gast) comes into the town with his flute, offering to rid Hamelin of its plague of rats, Geist watches the unfolding events with fascination and awe--as an insider all-too-aware of the dishonesty of the towns leaders and hesitatingly admiring of Gast. This is a haunting narrative--but what I found just as valuable as the story was the Afterword. If you try this (and I highly recommend that you do), do NOT miss reading the Afterword!
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