Hi, please tell me where Unspeakable Things by Kathleen Spivack (Goodreads Author) spanish download information eng book

Hi, please tell me where Unspeakable Things by Kathleen Spivack (Goodreads Author) spanish download information eng book

Hi, please tell me where Unspeakable Things by Kathleen Spivack (Goodreads Author) spanish download information eng book

> READ BOOK > A Touch of Winter

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Book description
A standalone erotic short story from the author of THE PLEASURES OF WINTER, featuring Abbie Marshall and Jack WinterA surprise anniversary trip to see her Dom turns into a nightmare for Abbie Marshall. She arrives at his home a day early and finds him with another woman. Devastated by his betrayal, Abbie does what she always does when she gets into emotional trouble – she runs like hell.But Hollywood actor, Jack Winter, has no intention of setting his sweet submissive free. He loves Abbie, and sets out to convince her that they have a future together the only way he knows – by sensual domination. During a passion filled night, Abbie is exposed to the full force of Jack’s erotic arsenal. Despite his apparent infidelity, Winter’s touch has scorched a brand on her soul.One that shes not sure she can forget.
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