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Hi, please tell me where Unnatural Selections by Gary Larson english free german bookshop reading

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Things start off a bit strained in this 12th collection of Far Side toons. Larson was nearing the end of his run by the time this early 90s compilation came out, and the ideas overall seem weaker than in the early days. But, people, this is the Far Side, the funniest panel comic ever, and Larson does not disappoint for long. Once again we have dumb humans with names like Bob, Russell, Gus, Rex and Stuart (I suspect theres probably a bluehaired bespeckled Edna in there somewhere as well) suffering the effects of their own stupidity to our collective delight. In the middle are some full-color panels of various stages of the evolution of life on earth, as only Larson could render it. The last spread of that section includes a vision of a future populated entirely, of course, by cows. Some favorites include: Scientific cavemen Thak and Gork materializing and floating above modern New York City on their time log; members of the Didnt like Dances with Wolves Society at their convention complaining about the movies insensitive treatment of the cavalry; Serengeti lions choking in disgust while eating a healthy antelope composed of tofu; Bob the clumsy janitor accidentally unplugging a cryogenic chamber filled with humans; a man whose left hand does not know what his right hand is doing (his right hand is contemplating the murder of the left hand); three old men sitting on a porch predicting the weather based on the hideously large swellings of their various body parts; a family of dining T-Rex dinos having trouble passing the bowl of mashed potatoes because of their short useless forearms; fish homeowners sticking their head out of their water-filled upstairs into a waterless basement below and fretting about the basement being too dry; a large spiky-haired scalp atop a pole in an Indian village with the caption: Don Kings great great great grandfather; a sperm getting a competitive advantage on his colleagues as he dashes toward the egg with an outboard motor on his tail; a venus flytrap primping and flossing its teeth in front of the bathroom mirror; Charlie Parker in Hell screaming in agony as the Devil forces him to listen to the greatest hits of New Age music; baseballer Sigmund making a Freudian slide into home plate; pioneers saving money on covered wagons by travelling cross country on covered skates; Tarzan swinging through the trees nervously contemplating various elaborate introductions to Jane and then blowing it by saying: Me Tarzan, you Jane; a mosquito carrying a sky-ad behind its tail that reads: Suck at Bobs; a truck made of pressed ham in dog heaven; a selection of Disney nature films that failed, including Debbie the Cicada and Floyd the Liver Fluke; baby toys to avoid including a life-size collapsible piano and a full-sized mechanical bull; a weiner dog distribution center where the canines are being stuffed into long mailer tubes; St. Bernards that wear toilet rolls around their necks to save distressed outhouse users with empty rolls; Leon Redbones workout video (which consists of sitting on a stool and crossing your leg); and a line of preying mantises outside a movie theater getting ready to watch Honey I Ate the Kids.
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