Hi, please tell me where Three Shades Sick: Three twisted tales of extreme sexual horror and depravity by Anton Palmer (Goodreads Author) read store amazon sale mobile

Hi, please tell me where Three Shades Sick: Three twisted tales of extreme sexual horror and depravity by Anton Palmer (Goodreads Author) read store amazon sale mobile

Hi, please tell me where Three Shades Sick: Three twisted tales of extreme sexual horror and depravity by Anton Palmer (Goodreads

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Book description

Book description
That frickin prologue sucked me right in. Awesomely written, the way this author writes, is very descriptive. I really enjoyed this box set. *Grinning* Im not sure if that makes me disturbed or not!В (3) short stories; brutal, disgusting, gory, nasty and very descriptive scenes. And I loved every minute of it! I really enjoyed, Skewered (Where a beauty meets a beast) Mr. Palmer, you got one nasty vivid imagination! Awesome job!В I look forward to reading more of your stories.*Please read warning label. Its there for a reason*
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