Hi, please tell me where This Old Souse by Mary Daheim ipad download sale without signing offline

Hi, please tell me where This Old Souse by Mary Daheim ipad download sale without signing offline

Hi, please tell me where This Old Souse by Mary Daheim ipad download sale without signing offline

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Book description
Murder, seamy secrets, and regular milk deliveryA nostalgic trip back to Renie’s old neighborhood wasn’t meant to get B&B hostess Judith McMonigle Flynn’s snooping engine revved up. But when the exotic and decrepit manse on Moonfleet Street that the cousins always thought was deserted turns out not to be, Judith figures what’s wrong with giving the creaky old house a closer look? The friendly neighborhood milk man claims he’s been making deliveries there for as long as he can remember. The seldom seen and rarely heard occupants, Dick and Jane Bland, and Jane’s spinster sister, Sally, pay their dairy bills by putting cash in the milk box—a curious situation to be sure, but certainly nothing sinister. At least not until Judith goes from being suspicious to being a suspect when she opens the trunk of her car and discovers a dead body…which, when alive, was tightly wrapped up in this whole blamed Bland business.
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