Hi, please tell me where The White Tecumseh: A Biography of General William T. Sherman by Stanley P. Hirshson txt online

Hi, please tell me where The White Tecumseh: A Biography of General William T. Sherman by Stanley P. Hirshson txt online

Hi, please tell me where The White Tecumseh: A Biography of General William T. Sherman by Stanley P. Hirshson txt online

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Book description

Book description
Hailed by his admirers as a fighting prophet, cursed by his enemies as the concentrated quintessence of Yankeedom, General William Tecumseh Sherman is one of the most complex and fascinating figures in the history of the U.S. military. His fierce campaigns of the Civil War, climaxed by the burning of Atlanta and his famous march to the sea, are the stuff of legend. Yet, until now, much of Shermans life and troubled times have remained mired in controversy. In this superbly detailed, scrupulously documented account, author Stanley P. Hirshson presents the most vivid, revealing, and complete biography ever of the controversial general. Drawing on a wealth of new information, including actual regimental histories, The White Tecumseh offers a refreshing new perspective on a brilliant, tormented soul and often misunderstood leader. Peeling away layers of myth and misconception, Hirshson draws a remarkable portrait of an enigmatic, temperamental, and unique individual - a man of enormous contradictions, strengths, and weaknesses; a loyal but largely absent husband and father; a determined and courageous, yet deeply flawed, military man. The White Tecumseh offers a fresh and frank assessment of Sherman as a military tactician. For the first time, we learn how he was regarded by his own men. The battle of Shiloh made Sherman a national figure, while defeat at Bull Run cast doubt on his judgment and abilities. Publicly portrayed as an unbalanced hysteric - a perception fueled by his own proclamations of collusion and conspiracy - privately he suffered from depression, forever haunted by the mental instability that had plagued his mothers family. However, it was on the long campaigns andmarches, such as his march across Mississippi in the summer of 1863, that Shermans logistical and leadership abilities excelled. With the capture and razing of Atlanta in 1864, Shermans notoriety - and historical legacy - was assured.
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