Hi, please tell me where The Unidentified by Rae Mariz page pc format online how to

Hi, please tell me where The Unidentified by Rae Mariz page pc format online how to

Hi, please tell me where The Unidentified by Rae Mariz page pc format online how to

> READ BOOK > The Unidentified

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Book description

Book description
Kid knows her school’s corporate sponsors not-so-secretly monitor her friendships and activities for market research. It’s all a part of the Game; the alternative education system designed to use the addictive kick from video games to encourage academic learning. Everyday, a captive audience of students ages 13-17 enter the nationwide chain store-like Game locations to play.When a group calling themselves The Unidentified simulates a suicide to protest the power structure of their school, Kid’s investigation into their pranks attracts unwanted attention from the sponsors. As Kid finds out she doesnt have rights to her ideas, her privacy, or identity, she and her friends look for a way to revolt in a place where all acts of rebellion are just spun into the next new ad campaign.
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