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Hi, please tell me where The Trial of the Stick of Joseph (and: Ancient Ruins of America) by Jack H. West full version via no registration ipad free

Hi, please tell me where The Trial of the Stick of Joseph (and: Ancient Ruins of America) by Jack H. West full version via no registration

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Book description
I have never in my life, read a book so... erroneous (as well as fallacious, misguiding, misinformed, etc.) as this. I took my own notes while reading this, and Id like to share them here. These are notes, fact checks, etc. that I personally kept. I am ripping many of them (Id include all, but I have a few rants) them straight into this review, with page numbers, with commentary placed in asterisks for context or notes that Im writing as of now (from memory, I no longer have the book with me. Thank God). But first Id like to start with an intro.Intro: This book was very obviously not written the way the author claims to have written it. He pretends to stage it like a mock trial, with this book coming from transcripts, however it is completely one-sided, with his opponents arguments being one-line strawmen. The entire time I read this book, I had some of the most simple arguments in my head that would directly counter Wests arguments. So, so simple, that it is impossible for anybody preparing for a mock trial in law school to not present it. I do not believe for one second, that this mock trial ever took place. And if you read the book, I almost believe that you will come to the same conclusion, just from the dialog that takes place. Unfortunately, I cant completely believe that the reader will come to the same conclusion, because many people have eaten right up, and are using this book as a missionary tool. However for any well-informed convert, if they are converted through what they learned in this book, their fast, simple fact-checking on almost any one of these arguments will lead them to say Ive been duped. Its all a lie. THATS how bad the arguments in this book are. Now, without further ado, my notes. Complete with page numbers and all, so YOU can fact-check on MY fact-checking.Act 1 Chart:Not imposters, not enthusiasts, and not deluded, does NOT mean truthful. Very faulty logic.*I believe here, he said (and although this is from memory, I believe it to be very accurate) I am going to show you that these men were not impostors, they were not enthusiasts, and they were not deluded. The only conclusion we can form, is that they were telling the truth.*Act 1: Personal Witnesses:Pg. 7- What statements have been fulfilledProphecies not fulfilled:1. Civil War would be poured out upon all nations (Doctrines & Covenant 87)2. Missouri Temple would be built within Smiths generation3. Earth will tremble & sun will be hidden in not many days4. Isaiah 11 was about to be fulfilled a. About to be is very VERY broad, and anybody can say about to be and add any kind of timetable they want to it.5. Government overthrown for wrongs committed against U.S. *I might have meant LDS, or the church*6. Constitution inspired of God (D&C 98:6, 101:80) -Founding fathers were not ChristianPg. 10- There are 4 first vision accounts1 literal day = 1000 literal yearsPg. 11- Joseph the Prophet never changed his story ~Four First Vision accountsEyewitness testimony known to be unreliable*I think any lawyer would be able to jump on that eyewitness bit*Pg. 14- Good chance at getting the presidency?Pg. 21- Accuses prosecutor of hearsay, which wouldnt stand in a court of law, but West often cites hearsayPg. 29- Charles Anthon was a classical scholar who wrote in Greek & Latin. He was not the greatest Egyptologist or master of ancient languages in that day. If he was an Egyptologist, then he was a terrible one. ALL Egyptologists today know Joseph Smiths Egyptian translations to be a hoax. Professor Anthon also told another that he knew they were false from the beginning.*This is probably the point where I knew how this book would turn out. Wests claims about Professor Anthon were COMPLETELY MADE UP. You can say he was good at Greek & Latin, probably great if he wrote in those languages, but that doesnt make him a master. And NOWHERE have I found any hint of him being a great Egyptologist. Another point, since its Martin Harriss word against Professor Anthons (Martin Harris says this, Anthon says that), I am inclined to believe Professor Anthons claim, that he knew they were false from the beginning, since every other Egyptologist has said they were false, and Martin Harris only has his word to back himself up.*Pg. 40- Circular Logic- the BoM isnt of Satan because BoM says its of Jesus. *Simplified, but not much. Imagine that going down in a court of law.*Pg. 53- These must be terrible lawyers not to check that. There are many more contradictions that the BoM cannot answer for.*Unfortunately, I dont exactly what claim I was referring to. But apparently its on page 53 for those that are curious.***Including a part of a rant I conducted after reading page 53:IT IS VERY OBVIOUS THAT THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN FOR MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH (underlined), as an apologetic work, written not to convince unbelievers that these things are right and true, but to reaffirm the beliefs of people who ALREADY believe. The only people who would believe these arguments, stretches of truth, faulty, unprofessional, erroneous logic and flat-out lies, are the people who believed these things to begin with, before this book was written.The author is either untruthful of the nature of this book, or of the events of this book.**Pg. 54- Cowdery did not write the book because he said he did not write the book.What scientists say it is impossible to make up 180 brand new names? J.R.R. Tolkein invented hundreds of names when writing The Lord of the Rings, prequels, and lore.What scientists?*Here, he kept quoting scientists without sourcing the scientists. No names. No papers. Nothing. Just scientists*Pg. 55- What Indians? That is all the prosecutors had to ask. And the existence of those names does not mean thy came about from names in the BoM. It can just as likely to believers, more than likely to unbelievers, mean these Indian names existed BEFORE the BoM.The prosecution only had to bring up the POSSIBILITY of the names existing before the BoM to stump West.Note: Constantly cites apologetic sourcesPg. 57- Spaulding ManuscriptPg. 71- Albert Gallatin wrote two books in his lifetime, only one of which had to do with Native Americans. Hes known for his political career, and his linguistics career is only mentioned in passing. He was NOT the profoundest philologist of the age.Pg. 74- What scientists have pinpointed the first migration as being at the time of the Tower of Babel?Note: Keeps referring to Dewey Farnsworth, LDS AuthorPg. 77- What Indians had this legend? There is no evidence of thisNote: I cannot find evidence of an Alvin ColtonPg. 78- I have seen the Borgian Manuscript online, and read the descriptions. I did not see anything resembling Moses or the plagues. And there are rather official descriptions of each of the pages. Also, the manuscript dates to the late 15th century.Why is there no account of these 3 days and nights of darkness? Surely in a myth somewhere?Note: How can the Natives White Gods be Jesus Christ? Jesus was CERTAINLY not white.Note: Keeps citing LDS source that so far looks like it has no credibility with actual history, archaeology, and sciencePg. 84- Hieroglyphs does not mean Egyptian. It means characters in the form of pictures.Pg. 92- Native Americans DID have wheels, used for toys, carts, and understanding of the world. This is not a surprise. It does not mean it came about through divine intervention.Pg. 95- Elephants disappeared from North America 13,000 years ago.As well as horses ~12,000 years agoThis is as far as my notes go. I believe it is the end of the book. Ill actually conclude this review with my last Note:. An end rant I left for myself.This book is very poorly researched, and we dont hear the other sides arguments at all. Ive also read that the ONE book he continually quotes in Act 3, is so bad, full of errors, inconsistencies and fabrications, that even Mormon apologists have panned it, and called it damaging to the church.The book is also filled with logical fallacies, factual errors, and outright fabrications, that I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that this was a real mock trial. Let alone one that he won. I found this book almost repulsive .I have never written anything so negative about a book. The real tragedy is some people still read this and call it truth, not taking the time to check the facts. If this book is what it takes to convert or reaffirm ones beliefs, then Im sure the facts I found contrary to these arguments are enough to uproot ones beliefs.
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