Hi, please tell me where The Sultans Bought Bride by Jane Porter (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

Hi, please tell me where The Sultans Bought Bride by Jane Porter (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

Hi, please tell me where The Sultans Bought Bride by Jane Porter (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

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Book description
Princess Nicolette Ducasse refused to let her sister go through with an arranged marriage to Sultan Malik Roman Nuri of Baraka. So she travelled to his faraway kingdom herself, to tell him that the deal was off! But Nicolette never expected to find the wedding date already set. Or that Malik would be so sexy! Keeping up the charade of being her sister began to get harder and harder . . . Malik made it clear that if they shared a bed the wedding was non-negotiable. After all, he was a modern monarch in many ways - except when it came to his bride!
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