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Journey through time and space with the greatest astronomers in history.Astronomy is one of the oldest of all the sciences. And yet, its history is also so much more than the history of a science, reflecting our entire culture and providing insight into the evolution of humankind’s ideas and ideals over the centuries. This fascinating book tells the amazing story of the development of astronomy, through the key characters in its history from Copernicus to Hubble and Halley, the excitement of new discoveries and the ways in which the history of the skies has affected our lives and how we look at the planet on which we live.The Story of Astronomy celebrates changing perspectives (from the Ancient Greeks to the latest scientific advances) as different cultures, philosophers and scientists sought to come to terms with their, and earth’s, place in the Cosmos.Exhaustively researched and containing interviews with many of the world’s leading astronomers, including Stephen Hawking, this is the ultimate history of how the universe has revealed itself to us over the millennia.
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