Hi, please tell me where The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits by Gregg Braden full how read without signing selling online

Hi, please tell me where The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits by Gregg Braden full how read without signing selling online

Hi, please tell me where The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits by Gregg Braden full how rea…

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Book description

Book description
This book by Braden made me realize how much we have lost by our blind faith in the classic science and how we limit our selves with our Belief of separation. The one area that I would disagree with Braden is his use of the phrase False Limits, there is nothing false about these limitations that we put on our self. There are no right or wrong Beliefs, no Good or Bad Beliefs, there are only empowering or limiting Beliefs. As an example there are individuals who truly believe that it is impossible for them to meditate. This is not a False Belief, they truly believe it, and as long as they believe they are unable to meditate they will not be able to. This is a Limiting Belief and if they want to learn to meditate they must first change that Belief into a empowering Belief that they can meditate. Without changing their Belief, their attempts to mediate is working against their own Belief and will more often fail. It is this book that made me look at my own Beliefs and to examine them in this paradigm of Empowering or Limiting. Now when I am having a difficult challenge in my Life I first look at my own Beliefs and ask myself what Limiting Belief I have that I am struggling against.
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