Hi, please tell me where The Spirit of the Place by Samuel Shem cheap eReader page online audio

Hi, please tell me where The Spirit of the Place by Samuel Shem cheap eReader page online audio

Hi, please tell me where The Spirit of the Place by Samuel Shem cheap eReader page online audio

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Book description
Settled into a passionate relationship with an Italian yoga instructor and happily working in a European spa, Dr. Orville Roses newfound peace is shattered by a telegram informing him of his mothers death. On his return to Columbia, a Hudson River town of quirky people and plagued by breakage, he learns that his mother has willed him a large sum of money, the 1981 Chrysler, and her Victorian house in the center of town. But theres a catch: he must live in her house continuously for a year and thirteen days. As he struggles with his decision -- whether to stay and meet the terms of the will or return to his love and life in Italy -- Orville reconnects with Bill Starbuck, the town doctor who mentored a young Orville and who practices a long-ago kind of medicine that treats the working poor, people neglected and forgotten by the medical and insurance industries. Now in his seventies, and in need of help with the practice, Bill convinces Orville to stay. During the course of his year and thirteen days, Orville reacquaints himself with Columbia and Colombians. He reunites with his sister and niece and comes to terms with old rivals and bitter memories. And he doctors a community in desperate need of care. He also meets Miranda Braak, a remarkable young single mother who aspires to be the town historian. Her knowledge of and reverence for the past challenges Orville to examine his own history, and her courage, integrity, and love challenge him to grow. In this story filled with wit, pointed insight, and drama, Orville learns what it means to be a healer, and to be healed.
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