Hi, please tell me where The Shadow of Ulysses: Public Intellectual Exchange Across the U.S.-Mexico Border by Jos Antonio Aguilar Rivera eReader online read pocket price

Hi, please tell me where The Shadow of Ulysses: Public Intellectual Exchange Across the U.S.-Mexico Border by Jos Antonio Aguilar Rivera eReader online read pocket price

Hi, please tell me where The Shadow of Ulysses: Public Intellectual Exchange Across the U.S.-Mexico Border by Jos Antonio Aguilar

> READ BOOK > The Shadow of Ulysses: Public Intellectual Exchange Across the U.S.-Mexico Border

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Book description

Book description
Written by one of the most promising young scholars on the Mexican intellectual scene, The Shadow of Ulysses attempts to reconnect the American and Mexican intellectual experiences by exploring historical as well as contemporary issues in both countries. The books first chapters discuss the relationship between American and Mexican intellectuals in the aftermath of the Mexican Revolution and offer a sociological comparison of the 1960s intellectual generations in the United States and Mexico. Later chapters provide a critical assessment of two prominent Mexican public intellectuals well known to the American reader: Carlos Fuentes and Jorge Castaneda. The Shadow of Ulysses, the Mexican edition of which was awarded the Alfonso Reyes National Prize, offers a rare glimpse into the development of contemporary Mexican thought and reveals the under-recognized intellectual ties that existed between our two countries in the first half of the twentieth century.
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