Hi, please tell me where The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith Since World War II by Robert Wuthnow spanish book link no registration view

Hi, please tell me where The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith Since World War II by Robert Wuthnow spanish book link no registration view

Hi, please tell me where The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith Since World War II by Robert Wuthnow spanish

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Book description

Book description
[The Restructuring of American Religion] is the most expansive and one of the most profound inquiries into the condition of American religious structure since World War II. . . . To carry on debates about this structure now without reference to Wuthnow would be to attempt to track a landscape of near-chaos without using the best available road map and set of markers. It is likely that we will be citing Wuthnow as we have been referring eponymically to major interpretations of Herberg or Berger or Bellah. --Martin Marty, Religious Studies Review This book is the most significant interpretation of recent American religious history available. --John M. Mulder, Theology Today An extremely penetrating, nuanced, and largely convincing account of what is really happening to American religion--an account worthy of comparison with, say, Herbergs Protestant-Catholic-Jew, or H. Richard Niebuhrs The Social Sources of Denominationalism, although Wuthnows argument ultimately supersedes both. --Wilfred M. McClay, Commentary
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