Hi, please tell me where The Lightning Stones by Jack Du Brul amazon review cheap view read

Hi, please tell me where The Lightning Stones by Jack Du Brul amazon review cheap view read

Hi, please tell me where The Lightning Stones by Jack Du Brul amazon review cheap view read

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I dont normally make it a habit to factor an authors political point of view into my reviews, but when the author uses his book to make political points, well, then hes asking for it. Dont get me wrong, Du Brul has the right to interject his views into his books. Just like I have the right to critique them.There are two political angles to this book that pissed me off. First off, it appears that Du Brul doesnt believe in climate change. His main character certainly doesnt and the books antagonist is an effete, French environmentalist who is trying to manipulate the gullible public into thinking climate change is really happening. I was prepared to let that slide, maybe even just chalk it up to nothing more than what was needed for the plot (though Du Brul lectures us too many times for me to think it isnt what he really thinks).Then I got to this sentence on passage 309 of the book where the hero is trying to avoid the destruction of the planet:Ira, this transcends politics.Nothing transcends politics to the current occupant of the White House. The national security adviser is a former policy director for a leftist think tank who once opined that Neville Chamberlain didnt appease Hitler enough. I cant go to her with this.Got that? Democratic presidents believe in appeasing Hitler and nothing transcends politics for such a president. You know what, Mr. Du Brul? &%$# you. Its laughable that after the Bush administration any conservative could accuse a Democrat of acting like nothing transcends politics. Thats all the Bush administration was about. Remember, the Republicans are the ones who said on Day One of Obamas presidency, their sole goal was to make sure he was a one term president. I hope Du Bruls book sales are absolutely fantastic because not only will I not read another book of his (and I actually would have if not for his politicizing the book), Im making it my mission to tell as many people as I can about his reprehensible views.
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