Hi, please tell me where The Leader Within: Learning Enough about Yourself to Lead Others by Drea Zigarmi read fb2 on ipad

Hi, please tell me where The Leader Within: Learning Enough about Yourself to Lead Others by Drea Zigarmi read fb2 on ipad

Hi, please tell me where The Leader Within: Learning Enough about Yourself to Lead Others by Drea Zigarmi read fb2 on ipad

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Book description
The first step towards becoming an outstanding leader: know yourself. This book will help you understand yourself as a leader... so you can change, grow, and become powerfully more effective. Authored by four world-renowned leadership experts, including the legendary Ken Blanchard, it draws on an extraordinary seven-year research study on how successful corporate executives exert influence. The authors begin by presenting self-change as your must urgent leadership challenge, and showing how your values and personality govern your actions, even when you dont realize it. Youll examine the inner self youre currently bringing to your moments of influence, discovering how your disposition, values, beliefs, and persona are contributing right now to your success -- or failure. Throughout, the authors present proven, values-based approaches to leadership in both group settings and one-to-one contexts.
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