Hi, please tell me where The Junius Manuscript by George Philip Krapp (Editor) store book mp3 iphone ipad

Hi, please tell me where The Junius Manuscript by George Philip Krapp (Editor) store book mp3 iphone ipad

Hi, please tell me where The Junius Manuscript by George Philip Krapp (Editor) store book mp3 iphone ipad

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Book description

Book description
This is the first volume in an ambitious endeavour to publish the complete corpus of Old English Poetry. This volume contains the entire poems of the Junius Manuscript, often called the Caedmon group and contains the four poems of Genesis, Exodus, Daniel and Christ and Satan. The book starts off with an introduction by Krapp and then his edited text, the final pages are taken up by his commentary type notes, which are extensive. The text is given modern punctuation and the extensive amount of corrections in the Junius manuscript are all glossed and commented on in the the footnotes. A word of warning! This book contains no glossary and is not for the beginner in the subject.
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