Hi, please tell me where The House That Stood Still by A.E. van Vogt flibusta touch library read get

Hi, please tell me where The House That Stood Still by A.E. van Vogt flibusta touch library read get

Hi, please tell me where The House That Stood Still by A.E. van Vogt flibusta touch library read get

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Book description
The good SF novels with a terrible name. This novel is not one of Van Voghts best, but it isnt his worst either. Its about a spacecraft that crash-landed over a thousand years ago and the radiation that it gave off turned a group of Toltecs willing to help the robotic craft repair itself, immortality. However they rendered the craft unable to return to the stars, to take advantage of the knowledge they received and the immortality. It begins and maintains a murder mystery feel throughout, but then throws in an unnecessary war with a fictional country in order to thwart a nuclear war.This novel was steamy as to its sexual content, compared to its time.
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