Hi, please tell me where The Dildo in the Kitchen Drawer - a short story of jealousy and slippery fingers by Clare Ashton (Goodreads Author) online value kickass how download djvu

Hi, please tell me where The Dildo in the Kitchen Drawer - a short story of jealousy and slippery fingers by Clare Ashton (Goodreads Author) online value kickass how download djvu

Hi, please tell me where The Dildo in the Kitchen Drawer - a short story of jealousy and slippery fingers by Clare Ashton (Goodreads

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Book description

Book description
What has Beths girlfriend ordered in the plainest, squarest, most non-descript parcel? It certainly isnt books. No-one shuffles that frantically to hide books when you come in unexpectedly.And what would any right-minded person do when they opened the kitchen drawer to check what had been hidden? But right-minded isnt a term thats often applied to Beth.The Dildo in the Kitchen Drawer is a short story of paranoia, slippery fingers and recalcitrant dogs.
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