Hi, please tell me where The Difficult Child by Leslie Tonner epub ibooks ipad

Hi, please tell me where The Difficult Child by Leslie Tonner epub ibooks ipad

Hi, please tell me where The Difficult Child by Leslie Tonner epub ibooks ipad

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Book description
How to help--and cope with--the difficult childExpanded and completely revised, the classic and definitive work on parenting hard-to-raise children with new sections on ADHD and the latest medications for childhood disorders.Temperamentally difficult children can confuse and upset even experienced parents and teachers. They often act defiant, stubborn, loud, aggressive, or hyperactive. They can also be clingy, shy, whiny, picky, and impossible at bedtime, mealtimes, and in public places. This landmark book has been completely revised to include the latest information on ADHD, medications, and a reassuring approachВ В to all aspects of childhood behavioral disorders.In this parenting classic, Dr. Stanley Turecki, one of the nations most respected experts on children and discipline--and himself the father of a once difficult child--offers compassionate and practical advice to parents of hard-to-raise children. Based on his experience with thousands of families in the highly successful Difficult Children Program he developed for Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City, his step-by-step approach shows you how to: Identify your childs temperament using a ten-point test to pinpoint specific difficulties Manage common--often uncontrollable--conflict situations expertly and gently Make discipline more effective and get better results with less punishment Get support from schools, doctors, professionals, and support groups Understand ADHD and other common diagnoses, and decide if medication is right for your child Make the most of the tremendous potential and creativity that many difficult children haveDrawing on his experience with thousands of families in his highly successful Difficult Child Program, Dr. Turecki shows parents how to:Identify their childs difficult temperament using a ten-point test to pinpoint specific difficultiesManage typical conflict situations expertly and kindlyMake discipline more effective and get better results with less punishmentGet support from schools, doctors, and others Understand ADHD and other common diagnoses, and decide whether medication is right for their childMake the most of the childs creativity and potential -->
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