Hi, please tell me where The Dieters Paradox: Why Dieting Makes Us Fat by Alexander Chernev read store amazon sale mobile

Hi, please tell me where The Dieters Paradox: Why Dieting Makes Us Fat by Alexander Chernev read store amazon sale mobile

Hi, please tell me where The Dieters Paradox: Why Dieting Makes Us Fat by Alexander Chernev read store amazon sale mobile

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Book description
In this insightful, witty, and easily digestible book, Northwestern University psychologist Alexander Chernev describes perceptual illusions and decision fallacies that make us gain rather than lose weight. Bringing to life the latest research in psychology, decision sciences, and behavioral economics, The Dieters Paradox cleverly reveals the irrational ways we think about eating and dieting and identifies seven decision traps we frequently fall into in our zeal to be fit. Thought-provoking and surprisingly entertaining, this book will change the way you think about food and dieting.
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