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Hi, please tell me where The Art of Fiction by Henry James download mp3 fb2 iphone story

Hi, please tell me where The Art of Fiction by Henry James download mp3 fb2 iphone story

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I must admit that I would have never ever read Henry James article nor that of Mr Beason if it wasnt for my Novel class that Im taking this year . Okay , both articles are magnificent , to say the least . But I , for one , thought that James response article ( essay) was more articulate , straightforward and ,of course, genuine . Henry James made two major contributions which exerted a powerful influence on the theory of the novel : 1- He managed to establish the novel as a worthy object of critical attention ( literary criticism) by lifting it to the level of art . 2- He helped to initiate debates and discussions about methods , narrative structures , moral thinking and interpretation . Throughout his article , James defined fiction as being one of the fine arts . The word fine does not describe the quality of the work in question , but rather the righteousness of the field / discipline . For him , fiction -just like arts - is a craft ; some are good at it while others are simply not . He then went on to raise a question that has always been debated on by literary critics ; that of the criteria which make of a novel a good work of fiction . Some , he said , believe that a good novel is a representation of virtues through pious and aspiring characters ,others argue that it all depends on the happy endings ,while others regard the movements and actions to embody the required criteria that make of a novel a good one . But James explained that it is a mistake to say so definitely beforehand what sort of an affair the good novel is , because , after all , a novel is in its broadest definition a personal impression of life . And That is exactly why , I believe , James pleaded for the liberty of the artist to shape the form which best suits his impression of life . The artist , according to James , should be allowed the freedom in the choice of subject and method but he must assume his responsability of making the two fuse to serve as the vehicle of expression of his intentions . I absolutely loved the last part of the article wherein James gave pieces of advice to a young to-be novelist . They spoke to me , not that Ill ever be a novelist or anything but they were just beautifully written . And yes , now I just cant wait to start reading one of James novels The Turn Of The Screw .
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