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Hi, please tell me where The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye by Sonny Liew (Goodreads Author) how to price finder online offline

Hi, please tell me where The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye by Sonny Liew (Goodreads Author) how to price finder online offline

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I literally could not put this book down.I devoured it, messily, poring through the pages, lifting up my glasses to peer closely with long-sighted age at the details, flipping back and forth, forward and back in time, chuckling at the quiet humour, marveling at the subtle and not-so-subtle homages to style and history, raising it to look at it this way, then that way, at the multifaceted piece of work it is, knowing that repeated readings would throw up even more layers. If youre a comic book reader, you feel this book as much as you read it, and you can see the heart and mind of the artist, fictional and real, laid - if not quite bare, then at least sufficiently ajar - before you. There is an aura here, the sense of nostalgia, the yearning of a history that never was as well as the timeline that Chan lived through, and an ever-present yearning for things not done, paths not taken, goals never quite achieved, and a soft demand as to why things cant be this way.The current reaction to the book is revolving mainly around the brouhaha caused by the withdrawal of the NAC grant, but to concentrate on that misses the many other layers that this book has to offer. Make no mistake, this book does deal with the political history of Singapore, and political history can always be sensitive, especially when the orthodox narrative or viewpoint is challenged, even if in the most gentle of ways. But The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye is so, so much more.When I got to the part where Sonny presents the cover of Ah Huats Giant Robot #1, I had a flashback to a conversation with Sonny at one of the first Singapore Toy Game and Comic Conventions, nearly a decade ago. He talked about the idea for an alternate history of Singapore comics dating back to the 1930s. We never had locally produced comics, but what if we had? What if we had local superhero comics published alongside ones from the United States and England? What would that have looked like? Looking at this volume, I realized that this was Sonny pulling the trigger on that idea, but taking it much further.This is an alternate history, but this is also what happened. This is a political book, but it is also about aspirations and the creative spirit. This is a book of tributes, but it is completely original. This is a personal book, but it is also about a particular culture, a particular society. This is Sonny Liew. This, not to put too fine a point on it, is Art. Kudos not just to Sonny, but to his editor, Joyce Sim, whose steady hand I sense just as much in this.To recap: The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye is structured like a tribute/biography/showcase of the career of the titular artist who has been drawing comic books since the 1950s and lived through the tumultuous decades surrounding Singapores independence and up to the present day. The comics he draws evolve, reflecting the styles of the times, and move into political allegory as the stories reflect the events of those years. The conceit here, of course, is that Chan is a completely fictional character. He never existed, and neither did his comics. There was never an Ah Huats Giant Robot, or a Dragon weekly magazine, or Roachman, but God, we wish there were.The comic book history he emulates is not your typical one - it would have been easy and too pat to suggest that Singapore would have had an American Golden Age style comic in the 1940s. Instead, Sonny has Chans style being influenced by what comics were actually available to us in that period, from early Japanese manga in the Tezuka vein, to the Beano, Eagle, funny animal comics and only later going into Kurtzmans E.C. war comics and then the Marvel era and beyond. This is the kind of book that screams for annotations, quite apart from the pages of notes that Sonny provides at the end of the volume. The last but one comic showcased, Days of August is said by Chan to be inspired by Philip K. Dicks The Man in the High Castle but the obvious homage to The Dark Knight Returns is not even commented on, for example. Roachman predates the Marvel Age by a few years but is definitely a riff not just on Spider-Man but the pulpish comics - English and non-English - of the late 50s and a narrative layout and colours reminiscent of Charlton. I could go on, but that would be too geeky and self-indulgent. I have to say though, that I would gladly pay for a full volume of the Pogo-inspired Bukit Chapalang strips.I cant say enough good things about it except to grab you by the lapels and demand that you read it and love it as much as I do. This book deserves to get several awards. I understand why the NAC doesnt want to get behind it, but sadly, its really their loss. I would hold this book up for an Eisner as a sterling example of what the comic book medium is capable of. This is an ambitious work beyond what we would expect a Singaporean comic to be able to do, and Sonny just kicked its ass.You completely blew my mind, Sonny. Im proud to know you.
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