Hi, please tell me where The Animals by Garry Winogrand book pocket download writer without signing

Hi, please tell me where The Animals by Garry Winogrand book pocket download writer without signing

Hi, please tell me where The Animals by Garry Winogrand book pocket download writer without signing

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Book description
Winogrands zoo, even if true, is a grotesquery. It is a surreal Disneyland where unlikely human beings and jaded careerist animals stare at each other through bars, exhibiting bad manners and a mutual failure to recognize their own ludicrous predicaments.--John Szarkowski The Animals is a classic photo book by the incessant, masterful photographer Garry Winogrand, reissued in a new edition by The Museum of Modern Art, New York, which first published the book in 1968. In it, Winogrand leaves the streets of the city for the caged aisles of the real urban jungle, the zoo, where he captures some of the more humiliating and strange moments in the lives of Gods creatures. See a lion stick its tongue out between chain-link fencing, an orangutan pee into anothers mouth, a hippo give a great big yawn, two lions lamely going at it, and seals watching lovers kiss.
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