Hi, please tell me where The Angels of Alchemy: Contact the 42 Angels of Magickal Transformation by Damon Brand pdf online

Hi, please tell me where The Angels of Alchemy: Contact the 42 Angels of Magickal Transformation by Damon Brand pdf online

Hi, please tell me where The Angels of Alchemy: Contact the 42 Angels of Magickal Transformation by Damon Brand pdf online

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Book description

Book description
Acclaimed and best-selling occult author, Damon Brand, presents a potent, yet subtle form of angelic magick. Alchemy is a process of change. The angels revealed in this book enable you to access personal alchemy, to change who you are, to refine yourself at the deepest level and thus attract the life you desire. With the help of these angels you can find patience, endurance and persistence, completing projects to your satisfaction. There are angels that can speed up the flow of reality, to help bring about rapid change, and angels that work to purify and clarify your emotions. They provide emotional balance and sustenance, while giving insight into situations, revealing the easiest way to get where you want to be. The angels can aid your spiritual development and clarify the desires that lie within. These angels can support your ability to maintain integrity when faced with compromise, and give you the power to project charisma. By working with the angels you can develop your imaginative abilities and intuition. The angels can restore confidence, inspire your thoughts and help you to see visions, to obtain mystical guidance. This is a subtle and sophisticated form of ritual magick that gets the results you want by an indirect route. Rather than tackling the obvious symptoms of a problem, it works on aspects of your inner being to reorder your life. By undergoing personal transformation, you can obtain the life you want. The first style of magick is all about making direct requests for change. The second style of magick is evocation, where the angel is called to appear visibly, so that you can receive wisdom, guidance and change more directly. The powers conveyed by these angels are immense, because they connect you to your deepest self, making it easier to progress through life, attracting the situations and people that will bring you the most happiness. When things are difficult, these angels offer sanctuary and emotional healing. You will discover: A simple ritual process requiring no special tools. 42 unique Angelic Sigils, not available anywhere else. Divine names and Words of Power that unlock the magick. The secret Keys of Evocation.
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