Hi, please tell me where The 12 Chinese Animals: Create Harmony in your Daily Life through Ancient Chinese Wisdom by Zhongxian Wu phone direct link ios italian online

Hi, please tell me where The 12 Chinese Animals: Create Harmony in your Daily Life through Ancient Chinese Wisdom by Zhongxian Wu phone direct link ios italian online

Hi, please tell me where The 12 Chinese Animals: Create Harmony in your Daily Life through Ancient Chinese Wisdom by Zhongxian Wu

> READ BOOK > The 12 Chinese Animals: Create Harmony in your Daily Life through Ancient Chinese Wisdom

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Book description

Book description
* Silver Medal Winner in the 2010 BOTYA Awards Body, Mind and Spirit Category *The Chinese horoscope holds the key to a better understanding of self and others, and to living a life of harmony.Not just the year of birth, but also the month, day and hour have significance in true Chinese astrology. Master Zhongxian Wu explains how to find your power animal symbols, and how to learn from their wisdom. By fully understanding what each animal signifies, and how they relate to the major hexagrams of the Yijing, he shows that they can help you to find inner peace and live in harmony with family, friends, the wider community, and with nature. Using the wisdom of the twelve animal symbols as a guide, you will learn how to better understand your personality, and make choices that profoundly influence your health, relationships, career, and finances, allowing you to live up to your greatest potential.Making the wisdom of the twelve Chinese animals accessible to the Western reader for the first time in its relationship with the Yijing, this book will be an illuminating read for anyone interested in understanding themselves and their life patterns better, Chinese astrology, and the Yijing.
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