Hi, please tell me where Suho and the White Horse by Yuzo Otsuka touch ipad apple reader online

Hi, please tell me where Suho and the White Horse by Yuzo Otsuka touch ipad apple reader online

Hi, please tell me where Suho and the White Horse by Yuzo Otsuka touch ipad apple reader online

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Book description

Book description
I have actually heard of this story through “Weston Woods” and I have thoroughly enjoyed this book ever since! “Suho and the White Horse” is a Mongolian folktale by Yuzo Otsuka along with illustrations by Suekichi Akaba and it is about how a young boy named Suho who finds a true friend in his white horse and the adventures they have together. “Suho and the White Horse” is a truly memorable book about true friendship that every child will love for many years!To be honest, this was the first Mongolian folktale I have read since I have rad many folktales from Asia, but they were mostly from Japan and China. Yuzo Otsuka, the original author of this story before it was translated into English by Ann Herring, has done an excellent job at writing this dramatic tale about true friendship between a boy and his horse and I loved how close Suho was to the horse as Suho was willing to do anything to keep the white horse by his side and I also loved the way that the white horse was so loyal towards Suho. I also loved the way that Yuzo Otsuka made the story extremely dramatic as I was nearly on the edge of my seat trying to see what would happened if Suho was separated from his horse. Suekichi Akabas illustrations are extremely beautiful and effective as I fell in love with the smooth meadows and landscapes of Mongolia and my favorite images were of Suho, who is shown as a young boy wearing a red robe wearing green pants. I also loved the images of Suho riding the white horse through the meadows as it looks extremely mesmerizing and beautiful as we can clearly see what a beautiful pair these two make.Parents should know that this book has a sad ending and some violence that might disturb younger children. The image that would probably frighten most small children would be of the image of Suho getting beaten up, although this image is not too graphic, but it would still be disturbing to younger children. Also, this book has a sad ending where someone dies, however I will not tell you who dies because that would be spoiling the book and I really want you read this book!Overall, “Suho and the White Horse” is a truly touching tale about true friendship that children who also love reading Mongolian folktales will enjoy! I would recommend this book to children ages six and up since the sad ending and the violence might upset small children.
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