Hi, please tell me where Star Wars #12 by Jason Aaron (Writer) pdf ibooks

Hi, please tell me where Star Wars #12 by Jason Aaron (Writer) pdf ibooks

Hi, please tell me where Star Wars #12 by Jason Aaron (Writer) pdf ibooks

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Book description
This was QUITE an action-packed issue. Not a big fan of the confrontation with Dengar. I liked seeing Chewie throw him, but the explosion was a bit much, knowing that he survives. But the arena is where all the really great stuff happens. Luke faces Kongo the Disembowler, whose shock collar is activated by the Gamemaster, revealed to be a stormtrooper named Sergeant Kreel. Grakkus feels betrayed when more troopers arrive. He activates an EMP that deactivates all blasters. It is humorous when one trooper thinks that taking down the Hutt will be easy, but Grakkus has more physical prowess than other Hutts. Audience members even start betting on Grakkus, and it is absolutely hilarious. Kreel realizes too late that the EMP deactivated the shock collar on Kongo, who goes after him. Meanwhile, R2-D2 comes across Grakkus collection of lightsabers, and I cannot help but wonder whether they belong to any familiar Jedi. Social media had already spoiled for me that Leia, Han, and Chewie would be wielding lightsabers, but at least that was not even the best part of this. I am okay with them using lightsabers since they do not automatically get Force powers. At one point, Han says a witty remark about trying hard not to cut his own face. Chewie wields TWO lightsabers. And seeing Leia wield a lightsaber in canon is a dream come true. I hope to see her wield one again when she perhaps has more training in the Force. When more stormtroopers arrive with working blasters, Han takes Luke to the Falcon even though Luke wants to get the rest of the Jedi artifacts. Leia grants mercy to Sana Starros, who reveals that the wedding was a scam for a robbery and that Han had taken off with her cut, hence why she was after him. Kreel reports to Vader with the Jedi artifacts, thus setting more events in motion! Vader even crushes a holocron with his hand!
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