Hi, please tell me where Standing Strong: An Unlikely Sisterhood and the Court Case That Made History by Diane Reeve fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Hi, please tell me where Standing Strong: An Unlikely Sisterhood and the Court Case That Made History by Diane Reeve fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Hi, please tell me where Standing Strong: An Unlikely Sisterhood and the Court Case That Made History by Diane Reeve fb2 bookstore

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Book description

Book description
Diane Reeve found everything she was looking for in the handsome Frenchman Philippe Padieu. Deeply in love, they spent every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday together at his place or hers . . . that is, until she learned about his Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday women.But her heartbreak was just beginning. After discovering his cheating, she tested positive for HIV and learned that Philippe had knowingly infected her. Even more shocking was the sick reality that Philippe was deliberately infecting numerous women in their 20s through 60s, with little in common except their vulnerability. Despite plummeting t-cell numbers, Diane vowed to stop Philippe from victimizing anyone else. In a race against time, Diane knitted together a band of Philippes conquests. This sisterhood, bound by overwhelming emotional and physical pain, fought tirelessly to have him convicted in a landmark victory relying on new DNA science.This is not just a story ripped from the headlines; it is one womans hard-won victory over a crushing experience and a frustrating judicial system--and her mission to help empower others to stand strong.
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