Hi, please tell me where Silvers Threads Book 5: Skeins of Tyme by Penny Reilly (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

Hi, please tell me where Silvers Threads Book 5: Skeins of Tyme by Penny Reilly (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

Hi, please tell me where Silvers Threads Book 5: Skeins of Tyme by Penny Reilly (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

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Book description

Book description
In the final chapters of Silvers Threads, Skeins of Tyme, nothing is as it appears. Loss and gain, death and rebirth are all the price too be paid for interaction with the Old Ones. Bargains made with the wily Faefolk never manifest as Bethan, Maeve, Sam and Vanessa, are to discover. Samantha has now disappeared and her journey, harder than any the others must experience, can only make her stronger; more determined to succeed. Sybille, Sams Aunt, disappeared two years ago to the day but even the chain of events that began then are so entangled and interwoven, it is hard for any of the seekers to grasp; to even try to imagine, where their journey will lead them. The final chapters unravel, re-twist and unravel again; layer upon layer in the weave of the Skeins of Tyme.
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