Hi, please tell me where Silver Diamond, Volume 4: Granting Purpose by Shiho Sugiura kindle pdf book macbook mobile

Hi, please tell me where Silver Diamond, Volume 4: Granting Purpose by Shiho Sugiura kindle pdf book macbook mobile

Hi, please tell me where Silver Diamond, Volume 4: Granting Purpose by Shiho Sugiura kindle pdf book macbook mobile

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Book description

Book description
Rakan and friends jump through the portal into the other dimension and meet up with the Fronteir guard, all the numbered children that have been segregated as useless by the prince.Lovely Rakan/Chigusa interaction, really nice artwork and an intriguing story. Rakan suddenly blurts out that hes the princes brother. Have his memories started to return? One criticism is that this series is very character heavy. In the afterward of this volume Shugiura claimes the main characters are 24 guys and one reptile. We do seem to be heaping new character upon new character. Still so far Im keeping up with whos who.
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