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Book description
(Dictated to mom)This is a shocking (HA HA HA) book. I love jokes so thats why I put them in my book reports. Oh, plus, this book is about ElEcTRICity. But now I know that lightning can give you a chemical burn - so dont go anywhere near it!!! (ME: Why a chemical burn?) Oh, because Lightning has a chemical LB14, and thats what gives you chemical burns and LY14 is what gives you heat burns. LC14 gives you cold burns. I learned that if you mix an atom and a nucleus that you get a chemical soup or a heat burn. Well, magnetism can go through water and glass. So, a Carbon 14 dating is actually electricity running through LC14. (Reading from book) Electricity is a range of phenomena derived from a form of energy associated with static dynamic charges. Charges may be characterized as positive or negative in relation to the number of electrons in a charged substance. Did you know that a nucleus is in the center of a circle that electrons whiz around a nucleus? And that every electron constantly gives our its energy as an electric force? And did you know that one person named J. Priest had 10 times for electricity in her body than normal. And the electric catfish didnt stop the Egyptians from eating it? Or an electric eel can make a 600 volt shock? And also fire ants can sense electricity. And also the hammerhead shark can sense the electric pulses in the nerves of their victims. And did you know that honey bees also build up a negative electrical charge on their hairy little bodies. And also that the rattlesnakes sinister forked tongue can sense electrically charged atoms in the air. I recommend this book to house-workers and my friends. I also might give them a second hand plunger.
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