Hi, please tell me where Sewing School: 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make by Andria Lisle iBooks full version book phone itunes

Hi, please tell me where Sewing School: 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make by Andria Lisle iBooks full version book phone itunes

Hi, please tell me where Sewing School: 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make by Andria Lisle iBooks full version book phone

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Book description
Kids can sew too! This inspiring guide includes 21 fun sewing projects for children ages 5 and up. With easy-to-follow illustrated instructions and cut-out patterns, young crafters will quickly be sewing up colorful pillows, potholders, dolls, blankets, and more. These kid-tested projects require only minimal supervision and most can be made using simple hand stitches, so no sewing machine is required. With plenty of encouragement and helpful tips, Sewing School helps little sewers develop their skills while sparking a passion that will last a lifetime. 
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