Hi, please tell me where Ravens in Winter by Bernd Heinrich story pocket amazon download djvu

Hi, please tell me where Ravens in Winter by Bernd Heinrich story pocket amazon download djvu

Hi, please tell me where Ravens in Winter by Bernd Heinrich story pocket amazon download djvu

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Book description
The author starts with reports that he has heard, that ravens share their food. And he wonders, why? Why, indeed. He formulates dozens of hypotheses that could explain this sharing. And yet, he is not even sure whether or not they truly do share their food.So the author begins a long, painstaking process of experiments and observations of ravens in the wild. In the wintertime, when it is often below 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Even in blizzards! His experiments are carefully conducted, and he slowly gathers enough evidence to start discounting some of his initial hypotheses.However, it is slow-going, because many of his observations seem to be inconsistent, that is, they contradict each other. It is not until his third winter, when he starts tagging some of the ravens, that he comes upon his aha! moment. Then many of the observations start falling into place, and he whittles down the number of plausible explanations to just a couple of acceptable hypotheses.This is how science is really done! It is like a detective novel, where evidence is gathered, and the list of possible suspects is drained until only one suspect remains plausible.The author relates so much of his excitement, how much fun he has in doing his work. Personally, I am not so interested in the behavior of ravens--but that is not the point. The point is, how a reader can easily follow along with all the accumulating--and sometimes seemingly contradictory--evidence, and figure out the astonishing answers to scientific questions.
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