Hi, please tell me where Quantum Society by Danah Zohar phone shop tablet wiki free

Hi, please tell me where Quantum Society by Danah Zohar phone shop tablet wiki free

Hi, please tell me where Quantum Society by Danah Zohar phone shop tablet wiki free

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Book description

Book description
In The Quantum Society authors Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall offer a compelling vision for transforming society using the insights of quantum physics to illuminate their ideas. Diversity, they suggest, is the creative evolutionary force, and the more diverse the society, the greater the opportunity for transformation and growth. Their theory of cosmic and social evolution allows us to discover the meaning and purpose of society through an appreciation and understanding of pluralistic thinking. The result is an all-embracing social model that celebrates the dynamic unity that is possible when we work together to orchestrate and articulate our interdependence.The quantum society is flexible, evolving, and ambiguous. In short, it reflects the idea of society as a living system. The authors use the language of physics to provide the images and metaphors appropriate for understanding the principles that inform this system, bringing into focus our harmonious place within the natural world.
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