Hi, please tell me where Polymer Clay for Everyone by Suzann Thompson store read format android how to

Hi, please tell me where Polymer Clay for Everyone by Suzann Thompson store read format android how to

Hi, please tell me where Polymer Clay for Everyone by Suzann Thompson store read format android how to

> READ BOOK > Polymer Clay for Everyone

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Book description
Overall, this was a pretty good book for the beginner clay artist. I loved the tools section because it gave a good overview of different tools you need (and stuff around the house that you could use). It could use an update, though, because there are some newer tools and clays on the market since this books release. The book also showed some stuff you could make with polymer clay, such as dishes for a dollhouse, beads, and home decorations. As an overview, I would definitely recommend this book to someone. However, if you are looking to use polymer clay in jewelry making, this book would not be detailed enough.
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