Hi, please tell me where Persecuted by Lisa Childs mobi ibooks iphone

Hi, please tell me where Persecuted by Lisa Childs mobi ibooks iphone

Hi, please tell me where Persecuted by Lisa Childs mobi ibooks iphone

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Book description
Elena Jones thinks that her dream-visions are why her life has been a living nightmare. She would do anything to stop them--anything to give her daughter a normal life. But when her dreams show her long-lost sisters in danger, Elena has the chance to transform her curse into a gift. To stop death, before it strikes. Joseph Dolce is her grandmothers right-hand man, with violence in his past and darkness in his soul. Elena dreams of him, too--sweeter dreams, but just as dangerous. Joseph doesnt want to be her knight in shining armor. But his generous lovemaking and selflessly heroic actions cause Elena to have a change of heart. Now, instead of seeing unwanted visions, shell do everything in her power to make a special one come true....
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