Hi, please tell me where Perfect Pierogi Recipes by Rose wysocki download book free fb2

Hi, please tell me where Perfect Pierogi Recipes by Rose wysocki download book free fb2

Hi, please tell me where Perfect Pierogi Recipes by Rose wysocki download book free fb2

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Book description
In Perfect Pirogi Recipes Rose Wysocki shares both traditional and contemporary recipes for pierogi dough, fillings and toppings. Some are recipes from her Polish Mother and Grandmother. Others are recipes shes collected or developed over the years. You’ll find a total of 51 recipes. There are an additional 26 toppings listed without recipes. They are very easy to make. That includes recipes for: 10 different pierogi doughs (traditional and contemporary), 15 savory fillings, 6 sweet fillings, 3 traditional pierogi toppings, 2 contemporary toppings, 9 compound butters and 6 sauces. I also included a list of 16 additional traditional toppings and 10 contemporary toppings (without recipes.) Finally you’ll find a lot of information about the history of pierogi, how to make pierogi dough, different methods to cut, stuff and seal the pierogi, how to best boil, saute, deep fry or bake pierogi, how to freeze pierogi and more. She also provides links to a couple of pierogi cutting and sealing tools that will save you a lot of time preparing pierogi.Making pierogi at home is really easy if you have the right directions. This book will give you a head start on making perfect pierogi.
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