Hi, please tell me where Paying Daddys Debt by Alexa Riley (Goodreads Author) link italian free iBooks ipad

Hi, please tell me where Paying Daddys Debt by Alexa Riley (Goodreads Author) link italian free iBooks ipad

Hi, please tell me where Paying Daddys Debt by Alexa Riley (Goodreads Author) link italian free iBooks ipad

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Book description
I think Ive reached a point where I am just over these pointless little shorties. They are all starting to sound the same. No plot. No character development. Just OK sex scenes. A ridiculously stupid heroine and a creepy over the top hero. Again this one was NO different. I dont need my book to be totally realistic, but when an 18-year-old HIGHSCHOOL student just packs up a bag and walks off with a creepy older guy that has been stalking her and could most likely be a serial killer with not one question asked. I have to just roll my eyes at the ridiculousness.
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