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Hi, please tell me where Mixed Emulsions: Altered Art Techniques for Photographic Imagery by Angela Cartwright how read download free value cheap

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Book description
Over 25 unique effects illustrated with process photos, finished examples, and variations.Mixed Emulsions is a follow up to Karen Michels book, The Complete Guide to Altered Imagery. Mixed Emulsions: Altered Art Techniques for Photographic Imagery takes a slightly different tact, bringing traditional and digital photography front and center, showing the many ways that photographic imagery can be manipulated, not electronically, but using various art materials and techniques. The chapters explore ways to add color (paints, oil sticks, watercolors, inks), ways to add texture (embossing powders, gessos, pastes, wax), and special effects (printing on unusual substrates, imprinting, photo mosaics, using tissue, fabric, cardboard).Altered art continues to grow as an area of interest for many kinds of crafters. A great technique book for artists looking to expand the creative possibilities for altered photography A gallery of artwork by other well-known artists offers further inspiration
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