Hi, please tell me where Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success by Dan Schawbel (Goodreads Author) book look buy macbook finder

Hi, please tell me where Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success by Dan Schawbel (Goodreads Author) book look buy macbook finder

Hi, please tell me where Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success by Dan Schawbel (Goodreads Author) book look buy

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Book description

Book description
The handbook for surviving and thriving in the digital age. Highlights include: An effective 4-step process for discovering, creating, communicating, and maintaining a personal brand. Expert insight into how blogs, podcasting, and social networks can position individuals to find careers based on their passion and experience. A complementary website (www.personalbrandingbook.com) with helpful templates for each tool in the personal branding kit (i.e. resume, portfolio, etc.). Proven advice on branding from leading industry experts. Tips on using social media tools for personal empowerment, confidence building, and professional networking in order to attract jobs directly, without having to perform tedious job searches. Strategies for creating an online and offline presence for career protection and self-promotion.
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