Hi, please tell me where Maisie Dobbs and Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew online text

Hi, please tell me where Maisie Dobbs and Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew online text

Hi, please tell me where Maisie Dobbs and Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew

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Disappointing. I review these together because they came together in an omnibus edition and I read them together. Seems like everybody in my online book group loves Winspear and thinks these stories are terrific. (I know that is just how it looks and everybody who didn’t think so much of them just didn’t say so once the positive reviews got rolling.) Anyhow, I found them not terrible but not very good either. I quite disliked the rather pompous and entirely improbable angle that makes her not just a private investigator but a psychologist/p.i. and how she insists on counselling clients – and they put up with it. Pft. Both stories were also too long and dragged along, much tiresome repetition and tedious speculation. Zzzz. Oh well, a fat book off my shelves.
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