Hi, please tell me where Lycans Surrender by Jaci Burton (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

Hi, please tell me where Lycans Surrender by Jaci Burton (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

Hi, please tell me where Lycans Surrender by Jaci Burton (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

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Book description
Lycans Surrender By Jaci Burton Starr, Queen of Dognelle is captured in battle by Lycan, the King of Raynar. Lycan intends to treat her as he would any other woman in his kingdom. She will be well fed, clothed, and treated with respect, but she must give up her freedom. Starr refuses, with every fiber of her being longing for escape. Especially when Lycans amazing passion makes her doubt her resolve to live as a free woman. Despite his erotic hold over her, Starr vows she will never surrender. Lycan has plans for the beautiful but stubborn Starr. He intends to show her that life in Raynar can be filled with sensual delights. But when she disappears from his life, he realizes that he must surrender his very heart in order to win the beautiful warriors love. A war has begun, both on and off the battlefield.
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