Hi, please tell me where Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam (2015) #1 (Justice League: Darkseid War (2015)) by Steve Orlando no registration full version get download iphone

Hi, please tell me where Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam (2015) #1 (Justice League: Darkseid War (2015)) by Steve Orlando no registration full version get download iphone

Hi, please tell me where Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam (2015) #1 (Justice League: Darkseid War (2015)) by Steve Orlando

> READ BOOK > Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam (2015) #1 (Justice League: Darkseid War (2015))

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Book description

Book description
A shockwave from Darkseid’s death has caused a disruption in Billy Batson’s connection with the gods that power him. Now the Wizard must find other gods to power Shazam before Zonuz, a god of evil, takes the power for himself.I really enjoyed this story. Not only do we get kind of a whirlwind tour of the new gods that power Shazam, but more importantly, we get some insight as to how the character actually works. The meaning behind it all is kind of fascinating and it makes this character even more interesting and relevant.This is also one of the first times we see the feisty side of Billy Batson since the origin story by Geoff Johns. Most writers have fallen back on the kind of meek Billy that is the Golden Age interpretation, not the snarky street kid that Johns reimagined. Nice to see it again here. I really think DC has missed the boat not giving this character his own series.Looking forward to how this will impact that main storyline.
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