Hi, please tell me where Jack and the Beanstalk by John Howe (Retelling) ebay price shop free find

Hi, please tell me where Jack and the Beanstalk by John Howe (Retelling) ebay price shop free find

Hi, please tell me where Jack and the Beanstalk by John Howe (Retelling) ebay price shop free find

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Book description

Book description
Book Level: 5.1Summary - This is the traditional tail of Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack and his mother are very poor and in need of gold and food to survive. Jack trades the only source of food for the family for magic beans, which turn out to be really magic and produce the beanstalk. Jack climbs the beanstalk and meets the giants wife who feeds him and hides him from the giant. Once the giant is asleep, Jack takes items from the giant that will help Jack and his mother. One item is a magical harp and the giant wakes up and chases after jack down the beanstalk, Jack must do some quick thinking to save himself and his treasures. Characteristics that Support the Genre - This is a story that has been told many times from different perspectives (from Jacks, his mother, the giant) and has a moral to the story.There is a lot of colorful language that bring additional illustration to the story as well as the illustration on the page. This adds to the writing of the story. The author is able to paint a picture of exactly what is happening without needing actual pictures. Sentence Fluency- there are a variety of sentence types presented in this book, such as short sentences and long compound sentences. These aid to the beautiful language of the story
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