Hi, please tell me where Infinityglass by Myra McEntire (Goodreads Author) download book free epub

Hi, please tell me where Infinityglass by Myra McEntire (Goodreads Author) download book free epub

Hi, please tell me where Infinityglass by Myra McEntire (Goodreads Author) download book free epub

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Book description
No time like the present.No time in the present.No time left.From the moment the Hourglass group violated the rules of the space time continuum to rescue a murdered loved one, time has been in flux. People from other centuries slide into our time, intruding into our space, threatening our world.Frantically seeking a way to turn back this tide, the Hourglass begins a search for the legendary Infinityglass, tracking it to the city of New Orleans, a place where the past rests easily with the present.Quiet, reliable Dune, the groups favourite geek, is selected to travel to the Crescent City and somehow retrieve the renowned object.But theres a problem.Because the Infinityglass is not an object, its a person.A beautiful, headstrong dancer named Hallie, a girl so enticing Dune cant take his eyes off her.And time is not on her side.
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