Hi, please tell me where Impian Rahasia Sang Pustakawati [The Librarians Secret Wish] by Carol Grace (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

Hi, please tell me where Impian Rahasia Sang Pustakawati [The Librarians Secret Wish] by Carol Grace (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

Hi, please tell me where Impian Rahasia Sang Pustakawati [The Librarians Secret Wish] by Carol Grace (Goodreads Author) eng find

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Book description

Book description
With This Child…Shed dreamed of finding a hero like those shed read about. So when prim librarian Claire Cooper encountered Nate Callahan, she nearly swooned! The detective was not only devastatingly handsome, he was heroically searching for a missing orphan—a little boy she loved, too. And now Claire had a new wish….I Thee Wed?Somehow sweet Claire had turned Nates latest assignment into a gut-level longing for the home he didnt dare dream of. But since locating the boy—and promising to find him a real family—the brooding and lonely man wondered if partnering with Claire would lead him to the best kept secret of all….
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