Hi, please tell me where I.M. Pei by Aileen Reid download book mobi

Hi, please tell me where I.M. Pei by Aileen Reid download book mobi

Hi, please tell me where I.M. Pei by Aileen Reid download book mobi

> READ BOOK > I.M. Pei



Book description

Book description
Famed architect I. M. Pei first came to international prominence with the Grand Louvre project, first presented (and scorned) in 1984. That now-celebrated glass pyramid confirmed his place among the world-class architects. Buildings for which he became known include the Kennedy Library, the East Building of the National Gallery, in Washington, D.C., the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York and the Bank of China Building in Hong Kong. Exterior and interior views are shown of close to fifty structures. Over 80 photographs chart the development of his major commissions and illustrate the range and talent of this quiet master, and his effect on the cityscapes of the world.
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