Hi, please tell me where I Want My Mummy Back: A Moving True Story of One Familys Loss by Jon Nicholson free full version reader audio link

Hi, please tell me where I Want My Mummy Back: A Moving True Story of One Familys Loss by Jon Nicholson free full version reader audio link

Hi, please tell me where I Want My Mummy Back: A Moving True Story of One Familys Loss by Jon Nicholson free full version reader

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Book description
This account will not hide from the truth of what this illness does to the one who is suffering, and to all those whom that person loved the most. Above all, however, I want to write this book because my story, which is also Emmas and that of our three wonderful children, is nevertheless a story of hope.I Want My Mummy Back is Jons Nicholsons moving account of how he and his children coped when their mother was diagnosed with the cancer that ultimately took her life. Here he writes about how her illness put unimaginable strains on the relationship with his wife and the loved ones around them and how as a family they coped and pulled together in the dark days after her death to discover a life that although very different from the one they had planned is happy.Jon Nicholson lost his wife to osteosarcoma, a very rare form of bone cancer. Emma died in 2004, just 14 months after being diagnosed.
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