Hi, please tell me where Hunger Road: a Novella of the Irish Famine by Victoria Tester how download read find full link

Hi, please tell me where Hunger Road: a Novella of the Irish Famine by Victoria Tester how download read find full link

Hi, please tell me where Hunger Road: a Novella of the Irish Famine by Victoria Tester how download read find full link

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Book description

Book description
This haunting dreamscape of the Great Famine evokes the world of the vanishing tenant population of Ireland through the eyes of its nine-year-old narrator, Una Mac Cormaic, a visionary child who spies on the lives of those around her in an effort to hold onto their disappearing world. Nights, Una trails the men of the village, who, hired to build a Road to Nowhere, dress as women and take vengeance on public officials. She witnesses the private agony of the priest who bullies the villagers into choosing Catholic martyrdom over the soup of the ministering Quakers, and the local rising middle class farmers schemes for his own gain. Interwoven is the little girls mysterious relationship to a pioneering English photographer who travels to Ireland to gain English support for the Irish cause, and to the magical machine – the newly invented camera – he uses to record images of suffering on his travels throughout Ireland. I am both haunted and enchanted by Hunger Road. Young Una Mac Cormaic is a wonderful narrator -- a marvel -- irreverent, spirited, a sort of deus ex machina, the spine and spirit of the book, of Ireland, and of our own consciences. Fresh fierceness and a particularly original vision interweave with an Irish deadpan humor that runs throughout the story as a rich vein of life-giving green. One feels that yes, the Irish will rise up from the grass. The physical landscape, the loving exchanges of sisterhood, the magic of the fathers lightning bolt hands, his fierce temper and pride, all are beautifully drawn, but it is Testers poetic voice which carries this book. Hunger Road is incantatory, a litany. Diane Freund, author of Four Corners
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